If you're reading this, and we are anything alike, then you probably listen to music on the daily. No, I don't mean on the radio on the way to work in the morning just jamming along to anything on the radio. I'm talking about really listening to music. The lyrics, connecting to what the artist is saying, the point they are trying to get across. I love music with meaning. When the artist is singing for a cause, a reason, to make a point. One of my FAVORITE examples of this this right now would be Macklemore's new hit, "Same Love". Same Love is basically a 2013 anthem for equality. Preaching bold statements such as, "When kids are walking 'round the hallway, plagued by pain in their heart, A world so hateful, some would rather die than be who they are, A certificate on paper isn't gonna solve it all, But it's a damn good place to start." This line speaks to me, not just as a listener, but also as an individual. Being a gay man in this world, not having the same basic rights that straight men and women do, this song is something different and it's very VERY bold.
Being someone who has turned to music to block out the world, or to calm me down and relax me. Or if it's just to listen to and enjoy it, I have been with music my whole life. Like many of you. Not just listening, but with choir, show choir and just singing. It's something very dear to my heart and something I know that will never diminish from my life. It's a constant, because we will always have new stars that will be joining the music world and create chart topping tracks for our enjoyment.
I felt the need to share this to just show that not all music that is created today is trash and poppy garbage. Some of it has meaning and underlying messages. You just have to look for them while listening. I love bands that are a little alternative and a little grungy/christian rock/punk. Their music -I feel- has the most meaning behind it because that's what they strive off of, is creating songs that relate to many people's lives. A few good examples about this would be: Tonight Alive; Icon For Hire; Hey Monday; Darling Parade. Those are just a few of the bands that I listen to on the regular. I love their sound, each has their own tone and tempo that make them unique. <3
Well, that's all for this. Have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend, folks.
Love and hugs as always.
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